RAF Cosford
42 Entry Telegs Association

Data Protection Policy
The 42nd Entry Telegs Association is established as an informal Association of ex members of the 42nd Entry Telegs who served in the RAF at RAF Cosford 1961-2 for the sole purpose of meeting with old friends and is a data controller within the UK. We do not have a written constitution.
The personal information referred to in this Policy may include name, contact details, records of Reunions and such other information as may be necessary for the effective management of the legitimate interests of 42nd Entry Telegs Association.
Any person wishing to verify the information held by 42nd Entry Telegs Association may apply to the Chairman or Treasurer.
The 42nd Entry Telegs Association collects and holds personal data about: The Committee and its members. This information is issued in AGM minutes and Membership list updates.
This information may be used in the preparation and organisation of annual Reunions. It is not shared with any other organisation or persons outside the Association.
The 42nd Entry Telegs Association may retain historical archives for example but not limited to: records of meetings, Reunions, event results and records of all those who were members of the 42nd Entry Telegraphists.
Information is held as either electronic data or archive paper based files. Electronic data is held on computer systems which are password protected.